I am truly grateful knowing that I can make a difference in the world while doing what I love.

Chanda Escue, owner

Chanda Escue, owner

In 2013, I was in a school shooting in Colorado when I was just 14 years old. Needing to heal from the trauma, I sought help through many types of therapies with several different therapists. Navigating the path to get to where I am today has been the hardest process that I have had to overcome in my life. It often felt like things would never get better and that I would always live with this severe trauma. 

This school shooting changed my life forever. I choose now to let it change my life for the better.

In 2019, I made the decision to move to New York on my own. It didn’t take long for me to realize that living day to day with PTSD was too hard to do without help. I soon learned that it’s okay to ask for help and by doing so, I connected with an amazing woman. She supported me through my long healing process, helping me to overcome the struggle with PTSD from the shooting.

In that time, I began to think of ways I could share my story and create a mission to help others who have survived terrorism. No one should ever have to experience an event like this. This school shooting changed my life forever. I choose now to let it change my life for the better. And I hope that my efforts will have a positive impact on other lives as well. 

I found the inspiration to combine my passion for baking with my desire to help with the recovery of other trauma survivors.

Baking has always been a passion of mine since childhood. I decided in my senior year of high school that I wanted to make it my career. I attended The Art Institute of Colorado and graduated with a degree in Baking and Pastry. Unsure of how and where to begin my new career, I made a big move to New York City. 

I found a transitional position as a nanny and was soon baking cakes for all of the kids' birthday parties. I realized just how much I missed baking and decorating cakes and cupcakes. It was then I found the inspiration to combine my passion for baking with my desire to help with the recovery of other trauma survivors. 

Therefore, Mission-Bakery was born. The creation of Mission-Bakery has been a powerful catalyst for my healing process. By knowing I can make a difference in the world while doing what I love each day, I am truly grateful.

I have now moved, along with Mission-Bakery, to small town St. Marys, Georgia.